Senior care and cataracts

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Senior care and cataracts

Thanks to my senior care physician, my cateract surgery went just fine. But within 7-8 months I was having blurred eyesight. I mean, I couldn't read a 12 font size e-mail, or a book...nuttin'! And it kept getting worse. I finally made an appointment with my optometrist...thinking I would need stronger lenses. Surprise! She found I had a 'membrane' growth over my implanted lense, and sent me back to my eye surgeon. What a simple procedure - laser 'zapping' to burn off the membrane (one eye at a time). I immediately could see so much better! Not one bit of pain or strain...just gain! This doesn't happen to everyone after cataract surgery....but if you begin seeing everything blurred, get to your surgeon ASAP!



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