Enjoy these Senior Big Brain quizzes we've created for you, helping to test the Senior knowledge you have.
At age 65 | |
At age 66 | |
At age 67 | |
At age 68 | |
At age 66 for full retirement. The 80% benefits remain for age 62. If you are approaching retirement age, get information now as to what your approximate S.S. check will be. Information can be obtained at:
1945 - Harry S. Truman | |
1962 - JohnF. Kennedy | |
1965 - Lyndon B. Johnson | |
1983 - Ronald Reagan | |
In 1963 L.B.J. signed Medicare into law, in the presence of former President Harry S. Truman who first advocated such legislation in 1945.
In person at the office of Human Resources. | |
By telephone at any Human Resources office. | |
Online at their website | |
Any of the above | |
Fortunate for new retirees, they can apply either in person, over the phone, or on the S.S. website. When I retired in 1995, I thought it was wonderful to be able to apply over the phone rather than drive 18 miles to the S.S. office. Some progress is good :o)
only if previously claimed as a dependent. | |
is not entitled to father´s benefits. | |
is entitled to father´s benefits. | |
only if parent was named on birth certificate. | |
The minor child is entitled to full benefits of the father, with legal proof, even though parents were never married. The ´legal proof´ is very important in this instance.
disability benefits | |
retirement pension | |
survivor benefits | |
all of the above | |
If a Canadian citizen, the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) provides all these benefits to their labor force.
age 62-65 for reduced benefits - age 66 for full benefits | |
age 60-65 for reduced benefits - age 65 for full benefits. | |
age 65 for full benefits - no reduced benefits available | |
age 66 for full benefits - no reduced benefits available | |
Canadians are eligable to receive partial benefits at retirement age of 60 to 65, or full benefits at age 65.
anyone 62 years of age on early retirement | |
a State employee eligable to retire at age 55 | |
at 65 years of age or older and a citizen or perminent resident of U. S. | |
anyone reaching 65 years or older. | |
For a retiree to be eligable for Medicare, they must be 65 years of age or older and be a citizen or a perminent resident of the United States.
For more information on Medicare, go to their site: